Losing My Favor

What happened to the trust I used to place in friends?

For many years it has been impossible to lend

I get the short end of the stick

Rather, they have both ends through ignorance or tricks

Teach a man to fish, it wont matter anyway

He’d still rather ask you to give your fish away

Saying “Sorry, I forgot.”

Or some other lame excuse

An insult to my stock and my moral fiber used

I’m made of better stuff

You don’t deserve mine

I don’t deserve that one way trust

Broken Compass

There’s just something about me

You can’t quite point it out

It makes you want to hate me

Makes you want to shout

I doubt you’ll ever know exactly why this is

Or why I had to choose you

From out blue, it seems

I don’t even know why

I’m like a broken compass

Useless little trinket, sentimental loveless